PROBLEM 微信號:MeetyXiao 添加微信好友, 獲取更多信息 復制微信號 | CHECK |
No operation, but the LOCK LOSS and Carrier Loss lights are off. | Ethernet Hub. LAN cables. Path and location path to vxWorks. Network setup on the computer and TPU. |
TPU not functioning properly for no apparent reason. | Check for proper AC voltage setting. Check AC fuses. Replace boards one at a time. |
After a cable problem and the correction of the cable problem, the CARRIER LOSS and LOCK LOSS lights are on. | Check the towfish fuse. Check the 200 VDC. Check the TP7 and TP12 waveforms on Multiplexer board. Check the diodes in the hybrid circuit. Replace the Demultiplexer board in the TPU. |
After a cable problem and the correction of the cable problem, the Carrier Loss and Lock Loss lights are off, but the data on SonarPro is breaking up. | Check that R30 is 4.7 ohms on the Multiplexer board in the towfish. Check U2 on the Demultiplexer board. Change the Demultiplexer board. Check diodes D7, D8, D9, D10 and check that R11 is reading 4.7 ohms on the TPU 200 VDC power supply. |
After a cable problem and the correction of the cable problem, the 200 VDC to the towfish is reading around 300 VDC. | Check or change U1 on the TPU 200 VDC power supply. |
SonarPro operating slow over the network with jittery display updates and large lag numbers. | Incompatibility with the TPU CPU and the vxWorks software. Check the CPU version in the TPU and the version of vxWorks software. CPU versions 14103184 can only be used with vxWorks version 5.11.1841 or higher. CPU version 14102073, recognized by unpopulated area near front of board, can only be used with vxWorks version 5.5.0291 or earlier. Contact L-3 Klein technical support for more information. |
TPU will not boot. Error in boot line. Gibberish data. "Can’t load boot file!!" message. Error messages. | The likely cause is the failure of the backup battery on the CPU board. Contact L-3 Klein for a replacement. See “Replacing the CPU Battery” on page C-62 for battery replacement instructions. |
通過示波器判斷,23針的波形正常,規律方波,GPS信號,而輸出22針的波形是一條直線,無信號。判斷芯片損壞,查了一下此芯片在 *** 上的價格約20元。
(1)首先要確定Win7操作系統中是否已裝好FTP服務器功能,我們點擊開始按鈕-->控制面板-->程序和功能-->打開或關閉Windows 功能 模塊,在彈出的對話框中,點擊“Internet信息服務”中查看是否已經勾選FTP服務器,如果沒有則勾選之再點確定。
注意的問題:在測試TPU和電腦的鏈接時,喜歡ping TPU的IP,這個一般是Ping不通的,只有在TPU啟動那幾秒鐘能ping通
原標題:Klein3000安裝配置總結(二) 來源: