- 1、江蘇興化三水家園安置房董事長叫什么名
- 2、江蘇蘇興建設工程有限公司怎么樣?
- 3、江蘇永泰建造工程有限公司怎么樣?
- 4、在線人工免費翻譯!在線等!感謝各位高手!
- 5、江蘇屹峰建設工程有限公司怎么樣?
- 6、江蘇富安建設有限公司
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management idea, the yongtai company more advanced, more flexible mechani *** , after 20 DuoNian fight of, has developed into a collection of real estate development, engineering construction, building materials, property management in one company. The company consists of kunshan Chinese real estate Co., LTD, huaian yongtai property development Co., LTD, kunshan xiang jia metal products Co., LTD. And other affiliates.
The company registered capital of 60.98 million yuan, existing all kinds of construction personnel 6000 more than person. Have all kinds of technical, economic title personnel 340 more than person, among them high, intermediate title staff of 93 people, the project manager and a secondary teacher 120 DuoRen built. Have crane, concrete pump truck, mining machinery and other kinds of large, medium-sized advanced construction machinery. The value of 1 billion DuoYuan in construction.
All the staff of the company forge ahead, deepening the reform and expanding business, adhere to the "integrity, innovation, unity and harmony, the pursuit of excellence," the spirit of enterprise, quality first, science and technology, and construction, use (passenger) door first, dedication excellent business philosophy, get recognized by all circles of the society. The company has high, big, difficult construction, the anxious, new engineering characteristic, has the construction of chi mei group, foxconn is lung group, the group, golden light group, and group Taiwan project, such as Japan, Europe and America and other foreign large industrial plants, programs, as well as the state grain depot, government office buildings, residential village, and a civil classical garden group building-Taiwan charity organization founded the folk suzhou garden and other great comprehensive project tzu chi. The quality examination qualified rate 100%, a rate of more than 70%, won "the yangzi cup", "meilan cup", province, city quality engineering quality prize, "the jiangsu province construction of the civilization worksite construction" jiangsu province, jiangsu province, the construction enterprise advanced units of production safety and the honorary title, by the administrative department of construction and owners of widespread high praise.
The company by the Chinese credit evaluation center expert committee for examination "AAA" credit rating. At present, the company has passed the ISO9001 quality system authentication, for the company's quality assurance system and the international community has laid a solid foundation for the dedication excellent project, and provide the more perfect quality guarantee system. In promoting GB/t19001-2008 "quality management system" on the basis of, and won the GB/T24001 2004 "environmental management system", GB/t28001-2001 the occupational health and safety management system "the authentication certificate.
The company has increased in recent years and application of the municipal utilities construction contract level 2, foundation and foundation project specialized contracting grade b, architectural decoration project specialized contracting grade b, steel structure project specialized contracting grade b, mechanical and electrical equipment installation project specialized contracting grade b, etc. The company market covers wide, business continues to expand the scale. Not only the great river north and south jiangsu distribution in nanjing, yangzhou, zhenjiang, taizhou, suzhou, kunshan, etc, and large and medium-sized cities in Shanghai, shandong province, zhejiang, anhui, guangdong province has left the yongtai brilliant achievements.
Contributing more excellent projects, the revitalization of the construction industry economy, promote enterprise development, jiangsu yongtai nobody with people from all walks of life hand in hand together, sincere cooperation, create brilliant new century.
Enterprise spirit: honesty pragmatic innovation unity and harmony for excellence
簡介:江蘇屹峰建設工程有限公司為房屋建筑工程施工總承包壹級資質,并擁有市政、裝璜、基礎、安裝、鋼結構專業承包資質。現為省建協、省安協、省建市協、泰州建協、泰州安協、泰州裝飾協會會員單位。2005年12月獲得ISO9001、ISO14001、GB/T28001國際標準認證證書。公司現有注冊資本6063.68萬元,擁有各類建筑機械、檢測設備,管理先進、設備齊全。現有各類 高、中、初技術經濟職稱人員342人,一級建造師16人,二級建造師17人,三級項目經理70人,公司設有上海、杭州、南京、昆山、鎮江、武漢、海安等駐外分支機構。
近年來,公司先后承建了興化市標志性建筑四牌樓工程、心連心舞臺搭建工程、錦繡園住宅小區,八字橋A區商住樓,寶都國際商貿城,錦潤嘉園小區,沙垛新村二期住宅樓,龍騰灣小區2#、5#樓,都市華庭商住樓工程,盛祥苑小區,陽光園小區住宅樓,泰州賽王輻射廠房工程,浙江余杭商住樓工程,杭州下沙智格社區外來人員公寓工程,杭州桐廬鋁箔加工廠廠房工程、昆山新江市政商務大樓, 昆山十全塑膠廠房工程, 昆山齊升磨模具有限公司的1#-4#廠房,南京奧林山水云房工程,鎮江新城市花園住宅小區工程,丹陽東南新城多層小區,江都金龍房產都市花園等一大批有代表性工程。
工程質量一次交驗合格100%,曾被表彰為江蘇省更佳企業、優秀企業、安全生產先進單位、信用綜合信譽AAA企業,南京市建工局表彰的信用優秀企業,泰州市市委表彰的明星建筑企業、建筑業先進私營企業、 泰州市建工局表彰的安全生產先進單位、安全生產設備管理先進單位、 泰州市質量技術監督局表彰的質量管理獎單位、 泰州市經貿委表彰的泰州市民營企業收入百強單位,曾多次榮獲江蘇省揚子杯、泰州市梅蘭杯、南京市級文明工地、泰州市級文明標化工地、泰州市級平安工地等榮譽稱號。
英文名:Jiangsu Yifeng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
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